Over the next five years the Cheapside Business Alliance will invest £2250, 000 on a range of projects with a focus on social, economic and environmental themes to benefit this unique and historic location.
The Business Alliance went “live” on the 11th May 2015 and will run until the 31st March 2020. The next 9 months will concentrate on our first year of delivery, with a number of projects implemented by March 2016.
Over the course of the summer the Business Alliance will focus on:
- Establishing the Business Alliance Board complemented by 5 steering groups representing the strategic themes, set out in the Cheapside Business Alliance proposal.
- Establishment of all processes and procedures, which includes Business Alliance levy collection – All businesses will received a levy demand and Business Alliance billing leaflet in June 2015.
- Continuation of our Privilege Card Scheme – A scheme which all Business Alliance levy paying businesses are eligible to sign up to.
- Events and Marketing which will include a new Cheapside Website – providing a range of information on the area.
- Continuation of our Employment and Skills programme – A demonstration project which has placed 45 local people into in employment in the last 10 months.
- Procurement of the Cheapside Project Management team.
- A Business Alliance launch event in September 2015.